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XP-400 X-Press®

Pelletizing equipment with a hydraulic laboratory pellet press is compatible with all standard die sets and is ideal for pressing sample pellets for XRF, IR, and other analytical methods.

Category: Brand:

The Cole-Parmer® hydraulic laboratory pellet press is an automatic and fully programmable pellet press designed for repetitive pressing of sample pellets for XRF, IR, and other analytical techniques. This press can also be operated manually as a simple motorized press whose functions are under direct user control.

The programmable LCD touch-screen interface allows the use to program the final desired pressure, time to hold at final pressure, and interval to return back to zero pressure. Safety features include a safety interlock that holds the door of the chamber in a locked position during operation and an automatic pump shut-off safety valve to ensure the safety of users.


Key features:

  • Ideal for accurate and repetitive pressing of sample pellets for XRF and other analytical techniques
  • Automated, programmable laboratory press allows for samples to be pressed within minutes
  • Ensure safe operation with safety interlock and automatic pump shut-off safety valve
  • Compact design efficiently uses your laboratory bench space
  • Programmable, user-friendly LCD touch-screen interface